Universitas Bengkulu
This research aim to to test do emotional intellegence consisting of five component that is recognition self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills have an effect on to storey level understanding of accountancy. This research also aim to know the existence of role self trust as moderating variable to emotional intellegence influence to storey level understanding of accountancy. Besides also this research aim to see the existence of difference emotional intellegence between student owning self trust of strong with student which is selftrust of weak. Measuring instrument to measure storey level understanding of accountancy is average point of accountancy that is PA1, PA2, AKM1, AKM2, AKL1, AKL2, AU1, AU2 And TA. That Analyzer used is simple linear regression, MRA, and Independent Sample T-Test. Result of analysis express that recognition self awareness, self regulation, motivation, social skill and empathy do not have an effect on by signifikan and have role as quasi moderator variable. Self trust of weak and strong differ in the case of empathy and self regulation, and recognition ofself trust, social skill and motivation do not differ. Many other factor which influence storey level understanding of accountancy like mental stress factor, and etc. Result of this research can give contribution to university in order to compiling curriculum and can give input to student in order to developing emotional intellegence and self trust.
Key words : self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills, self trust, level understanding of accountancy.
Pengaruh kecerdasan emosional yang terdiri dari pengenalan diri, pengendalian diri, motivasi, empati dan keterampilan sosial dalam penelitian ini yang memiliki pengaruh positif adalah pengendalian diri dan empati, sedangkan pengaruh negatif yaitu pengenalan diri, motivasi dan keterampilan sosial. Pengaruh kepercayaan diri terhadap kelima variabel independen tersebut adalah sebagai quasi moderator. Pada penelitian ini pula terlihat adanya perbedaan tingkat pengenalan diri dan motivasi antara mahasiswa yang memiliki kepercayaan diri kuat dengan mahasiswa yang memiliki kepercayaan diri lemah, sedangkan untuk varibel pengendalian diri, emapti, dan keterampilan sosial tidak terdapat perbedaan.
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