To obtain the adequate evidence, auditor does not have to test all existing
transaction. Along of cost benefit consideration, it is impossible for auditor to test all
transaction evidence. Based on this consideration; then in profession recognized widely
that most evidence obtained using sampling. The limited audit sampling research
motivated the writer to conduct this research. This research is a development from
previous researches by Hall of et al. (2002) and Zarkasyi (1992). Researcher take the
governmental auditor (BPK) as research subjects because sampling problems in
goverment audit differ from the practice make an audit of the private sector (Arkin,
1982). The purpose of this research is portraying how sampling audit practice in BPK
and explore factors affecting the use of sampling method by governmental auditors…
The responses from 122 respondents show 70,5% respondents did not use the
statistical sampling method. In nonstatistics sample selection method, two techniques
which less get the support empirically namely haphazard and block sampling, in the
second (32,6%) and third rank (11,6%). There is indication of selection bias mostly in
size, measure, and location. Most respondents (76,25%) answered that they did not get
formal training in avoiding selection bias. But that way only 36,9% respondents replied
they did not use the procedures to mitigate the selection bias.
There are four factors which hypothesized affecting the method used in audit
sampling. These factors are auditor perception to statistical sampling method, auditor
perception to perceived audit risk, time pressure and experience. Result from logit
regression test indicated that among four factors hypothesized, only perception factor to
statistical sampling method is significantly influent to the method used in audit sampling.
Keywords: Sampling Audit, Governmental Auditor, Selection Bias.
Sampling merupakan prosedur yang umum digunakan oleh auditor. IAI melalui Standar
Profesional Akuntan Publik Seksi 350 mendefinisikan sampling sebagai:
Penerapan prosedur audit terhadap unsur-unsur suatu saldo akun atau
kelompok transaksi yang kurang dari seratus persen dengan tujuan untuk
menilai beberapa karakteristik saldo akun atau kelompok transaksi tersebut.
Untuk memperoleh bukti yang memadai, auditor tidak harus memeriksa seluruh transaksi
yang ada. Dalam setiap pemeriksaan auditor, harus mempertimbangkan manfaat dan
biaya sehingga sebagian besar bukti diperoleh melalui sampel.
Hall et al. (2002) menyebutkan bahwa pengadilan federal di Amerika Serikat
sesuai dengan Federal Judicia Center 1994 memutuskan akan menerima bukti sampel,
tergantung dari apakah fakta atau data sampel tersebut merupakan “tipe sampel data yang
digunakan oleh ahli dalam bidang tertentu untuk membentuk opini atau menarik
kesimpulan atas subyek tertentu.” Dengan demikian bukti sampel yang dihimpun oleh
auditor layak dijadikan bukti di pengadilan. Dan ini merupakan tantangan bagi profesi
untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengambilan sampel. Pada kenyataannya auditor tidak akan
mengetahui apakah sampel yang diambilnya merupakan sampel yang representatif, maka
auditor maksimal hanya dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengambilan sampel menjadi
mendekati kualitas sampel yang representatif (Halim, 2001).
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