Simposium Nasiona Akuntansi 9 Padang
Padang, 23-26 Agustus 2006
Zaenal Fanani
Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
The aim of this study is to prove whether manager manage earning for the purpose of informative or target opportunistic. Research also investigate whether investment opportunity set influences choice of manager to report as opportunistic to hide performance or to report earning more informative concerning to debt, political cost, market share and earning.
Sample of this research were chosen by using purposive sampling of 350 manufacturing business listed in the Jakarta Stock Exchange, start from 1997 up to 2002. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by using program of Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) is the appropriate statistical technique to examine pattern relation of formed model.
The results show that earning management, political cost, market share and earning have a significant effect to share price, whereas investment opportunity set does not have a significant effect to share price. From some variables which influence earning management, only the debt having a significant effect while other variable (i.e., invesment opportunity set, political cost, market share) do not show significant outcome. And for the variable influencing earning only debt and the market share which significant while other variable that is invesment opportunity set and political cost do not show influence which significant.
This study indicates that earning management conducted by manager in in Developing Market (Indonesia) represent informative earning management which means all investor have more own belief in earning reporting, but this research cannot prove that company owning high of investment opportunity set tend to conduct informative earning management.
Key Words : Earning Management, Investment Opportunity Set, Debt, Political Cost, and Market Share
1.1. Latar Belakang
Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu sumber informasi yang digunakan untuk menilai posisi keuangan dan kinerja perusahaan. Laporan keuangan terdiri dari neraca, laporan rugi laba, dan laporan ekuitas yang disusun berdasarkan akrual serta laporan arus kas yang berdasarkan dasar kas. Oleh karena itu, dasar akrual dalam laporan keuangan memberikan kesempatan kepada manajer memodifikasi laporan keuangan untuk menghasilkan jumlah laba (earnings) yang diinginkan. Generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) atau Prinsip Akuntansi yang Berlaku Umum (PABU) juga memberikan keleluasaaan bagi manajer untuk memilih metode akuntansi yang akan digunakan dalam menyusun laporan keuangan (Veronica, 2003:328). Pilihan manajerial tersebut dapat memicu manajer untuk melakukan perilaku manajemen laba informatif (informative earning management) atau manajemen laba oportunistik (opportunistic earning management). Pilihan manajer mengenai manajemen laba menggambarkan bahwa set kesempatan investasi (Investment Opportunity Set, dalam tulisan ini untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai IOS) mempengaruhi peristiwa kontrak, yang pada gilirannya mempengaruhi pilihan manajer atas metode akuntansi yang digunakan (Watts dan Zimmerman, 1986; Zimmer, 1986).
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