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Rini Indriani
Wahiddatul Khoiriyah
The purpose of this study is to examine the attributes that can representated financial reporting quality and examine the effect of financial reporting quality on economic consequences. The financial reporting quality was measured on the following attributes: value relevance, timeliness, and conservatism. As for the economic consequences was measured on the asymmetric information. Sample was taken based on purposive sampling method from Manufactured companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2004 to 2008. The final samples consist of 99 companies. This study use the auxiliary R2 and simple linear regression method for testing the hypotesis.
This study found that the attributes of financial reporting quality have not overlap with each other and all of the attributes can representation the financial reporting quality. As for the economic consequences test resulted that the financial reporting quality had a positively and significant relationship with the asymmetric information, whereas the level of significant is 10%. It’s mean that firm’s with high financial reporting quality will increase the economic consequences.
Key words : Financial Reporting Quality, Value Relevance, Timeliness, Conservatism, Economic Consequences.
Research conducted by Copeland and Galai (1983) found that when the quality of accounting information has increased, then the information asymmetry will decline. In other words, the quality of accounting information is conveyed through the financial reporting has a negative effect on information asymmetry. Fanani (2009) also found the same thing with the study conducted by Copeland and Galai, namely the quality of financial reporting and significant negative effect on information asymmetry, using the quality of financial reporting of factorial which consist of the value relevance and conservatism as an attribute of financial reporting quality.
This research refers to research conducted by Fanani (2009) with a sample period from 2001 to 2006. The difference of this study with previous studies that used the sample period is 2004 to 2008, and focuses research on the representation of the quality attributes of financial information and its influence on asimentri information. This is done because in the period 2004 – 2008 global economic crisis that could affect economic conditions in Indonesia, whereas in the study period Fanani economic conditions in Indonesia tend to be stable.
Wibowo (2002) in Suaryana (2008) claimed that the conservatism is a principle in financial reporting are intended to recognize and measure assets and profits made with great caution because of the economic and business activities covered by the uncertainty. Mayangsari and Wilopo (2002) in Wahyuni ??(2008) states that intuitively, the principle of conservatism is useful because it can be used to predict future conditions in accordance with financial reporting purposes.
Measurement of information asymmetry can be done with various sizes. Cohen (2003) and Fanani (2009) measure of information asymmetry with a proxy bid-ask spread. In addition the scale of the company (firm size) is used as a benchmark for the level of information asymmetry by Kusuma (2004). Clarke and Shastri measure information asymmetry by using a size: 1) Analysts’ forecasts, 2) Investment Opportunity Set, 3) Microstructure Variables. Clarke and Shastri (2000) found that the size of the market microstructure tend to have higher correlation with each other. In this study the proxy used is the bid-ask spread model Ryan (1996) in Fanani (2009).